Hello world.
It was a pretty cool week this week. We had a great ward
missionary activity named Trip to Hawaii, which is basically a play where the
plane crashes, and we all die...(sounds bad I know but its super cool, trust
me). So we get sent to travel through the three kingdoms of glory, that God has
prepared for us according to our diligence in this life. The activity showed
everyone the importance of the Plan of Salvation, the perfect plan God has
prepared for His children, and how important the family is to God. The activity
went super well, we had several investigators attend, and lots of members
invited their friends and family members.
Charlie is still preparing to be baptized! He is super great. He
surprises us a lot, that he seems to know more members than we do! He keeps
working hard, coming to Church and the activities we have and all. We are going
to keep helping him come to Christ and receive baptism. Jesùs is also super
great, he is progressing incredibly towards February 18th to be baptized. He
asks the greatest questions and is so inquisitive in everything we teach (I
think that’s a word...).
Every day I come to see that there is power in the Book. The Book
of Mormon is the key to my faith. It helps me come closer to Christ as I strive
to put in practice the things that it teaches us. I know it is the word of God.
It was written, and translated by the power of God.
Elder Daines
"Is that an Interstate Batteries truck?? In Mexico?"
"Coconut with chili! Super good, actually."